In August of 1860, the towns of the Brookfield’s celebrated the 200th anniversary of the founding of the Quaboag Plantation. The inhabitants of West Brookfield, in common with the rest of the nation, were soon called upon to take up arms to preserve the Union. Over one hundred and fifty men responded, and of those, 30 never returned.
With much pride a list has been complied of West Brookfield’s Civil War soldiers. This list will tell of ancestors, cousins, friends, born and raised in the West Brookfield area of Massachusetts who served with the Union Army during the Civil War.
Some of these fine soldiers who “wore the blue uniform” returned safely to their families…and sadly, some did not. For the 150 Anniversary of the Civil War we will remember, on our Biography page, the ones who did not come home .
We have added the biographies of our soldiers, serving with the 15th Massachusetts, who were Killed-in-Action (KIA) or Mortally-Wounded-in-Action (MWIA) at the battle of Antietam and our soldier killed at Gettysburg.
The Civil War
For 4 years, between 1861 and 1865, civil war raged across America. In that time it is calculated that over 10,000 military engagements took place, ranging from brief skirmishes and raids, to sieges and battles involving whole armies. Wherever they occurred they marked the land and a generation, creating sites and places that are remembered and revered to this day. On this day at our Civil War Monument we remember West Brookfield in the Civil War and the 15th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment.
The 15th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment was comprised of 1000 men made up from militia companies that came from 10 Worcester County towns.
Company F was from the Brookfields.
The 15th regiment saw action in nearly all the major battles that took place in the Eastern Theater of the war and was among the 6 regiments in the Union army that sustained the heaviest losses throughout the entire struggle.
Their first engagement came only three months after being mustered into service on October 21, 1861, at the Battle of Ball’s Bluff. The 15th sent 625 men across the Potomac River and suffered 302 casualties. After a winter of little activity and a spring spent near Harpers Ferry the regiment, which was now part of the 2nd Corps, Army of the Potomac, took part in the peninsula campaign where in June of 1862, they engaged in the battles of Fair Oaks, Savage Station, White Oak Swamp, Glendale, and Malvern Hill.
During the summer when efforts by the Union troops to reach Richmond failed, the armies moved north where on the morning of September 17, 1862, at Sharpsburg, MD,
the Battle of Antietam took place. Here the 15th Regiment suffered their most severe loss of the entire war. In less than 20 minutes it suffered 343 casualties. On this bloodiest single day in American history, a day that would see over 23,000 casualties, the 15th Regiment suffered the greatest losses of any regiment on either side. Losses from West Brookfield were: Justus C. Wellington killed in action; William L. Adams, Albert W. Livermore, and William E. Vanever, mortally wounded in action.
After being lightly engaged and suffering few casualties in the battles of Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, the 15th was again called to take a critical role at the center of the Union lines at Gettysburg. On July 2 and 3 of 1863, they suffered 143 casualties or 62% of the 239 men they took into battle. A figure exceeded by only 4 other regiments in this pivotal battle of the war. Edward W. Prouty,
West Brookfield was mortally wounded in action on Day 2. He died July 15 at Gettysburg. During the fall and winter, the regiment took part in actions at Briscoe Station, Mine Run, and Mortons Ford.
In May of 1864, the 15th Regiment took part in their last campaign where they saw severe action in the Battles of the Wilderness, Spotsylvania Court House, North Anna River, and Cold Harbor, suffering casualties in each battle. William A. Mullet,
West Brookfield was mortally wounded at The Wilderness.
On June 22, 1864, 77 members of this regiment were captured near Petersburg. Some of these men were sent to Andersonville Prison where several died from starvation or disease. Charles A. Gleason was captured at Petersburg and died on November 8, 1864, a POW at Andersonville, GA.
On July 12, all remaining members of the regiment were prepared to return home where they were to be mustered out. Only 85 men, or 5% of the 1765 men who had belonged to this regiment could be assembled to muster out. Throughout the war, few regiments were more actively engaged or suffered greater losses than the 15th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment.
15th Mass at Gettysburg
In Honor of those who fought: Edward U. Prouty lived on Ragged Hill Road in West Brookfield. He served with the 15th Massachusetts and was wounded in the hip on July 2, 1863, Day 2, at the Battle of Gettysburg. He died July 15, 1863 at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. He was 33 years old.
In July of 1863, the turning point of the American Civil War occurred at the Battle of Gettysburg. Here, General Lee’s Confederate army of 75,000 men and General Meade’s Northern army of 97,000 men met, by chance, when a Confederate brigade sent for supplies observed a forward column of Meade’s cavalry. Of the more than 2,000 land engagements of the Civil War, Gettysburg ranks supreme. Although the Battle of Gettysburg did not end the war, nor attain any major war aim for the North or the South, it remains the great battle of the war. Here at Gettysburg on July 1, 2, and 3, 1863, more men actually fought and more men died than in any other battle before or since on North American soil.
Day Two 15th July 2, 1863 Early on the morning of the 2nd, the 15th moved from their place of bivouac, and took position in close column by regiments near the battlefield, and stacked arms. The loss of the Peach Orchard in the afternoon of day two destroyed the possibility of holding the line occupied by Humphries’ division along the Emmittsburg Road, Humphries urged General Gibbon to close the line by filling the open space between him and the 2nd Corps. It was this movement that directly involved the 15th. Two regiments, the 15th Mass Inf. and the 82nd N.Y., were sent to the brick house, Codori Farm, which was to the right of Humphries line. Brown’s Battery (B, 1st R. I.) was placed in the rear and to the left of the two regiments.
The 15th took an advanced position, moving to the front of the batteries and to the right of the 82nd N.Y. When Wright’s Georgia brigade advanced, and would have struck or swept around the right flank of the Third Corps, it encountered the 15th and the 82nd regiments. The engagement was desperate. From their advanced position the two regiments, were to some extent under the fire of their own men as much as that of the enemy. The 82nd, whose left was now uncovered, was forced back, and the whole weight of the assault fell upon the 15th. It was now necessary to fight its way back to the line of the 2nd Corps. But the two regiments had done their work well in protecting the flank of their own corps, for the enemy followed closely and were repulsed by the 2nd Brigade of their division and the 13th Vermont which had just reached the field. The 15th MVI and the 82nd N.Y. gallantly sustained an unequal contest against greatly superior numbers suffering heavy losses, but inflicted more than a corresponding punishment upon the enemy.
July 3, 1863 – Day Three
The morning of July 3rd brought the renewal of the struggle. At eleven o’clock a strange hush fell on the battlefield. This hush remained unbroken for two hours, while the opposing armies waited in the oppressive heat of the July sun for the decisive contest they knew must come. Lee would attack on the left center of the Union line. This attack was entrusted to Pickett’s Division, Longstreet’s Corps. To the Union 2nd Corps fell the duty of repelling the charge. The 2nd Division of this Corps would bare the brunt of the attack. At one o’clock, 138 pieces of artillery opened fire from the Confederate lines. From the western front of the Federal lines, 80 pieces replied. The air was full of flying shot and shell. The carnage was frightful to behold. This artillery battle, the greatest ever known on American soil, lasted nearly two hours. Some of the Union batteries stopped firing, and some were replaced by others. The rebels, thinking the guns were silenced, slackened their fire. At this time, the Union troops saw Pickett’s division with its supports emerging from the Confederate lines. Pickett’s Division rushed up the long slope in a charge that, today, still excites the admiration of every visitor to Gettysburg. There was a moment when the very fate of the Union was at stake. In the very center of the Union position crowning Cemetery Ridge, wave the flags of Virginia and the Confederacy. For an awful few minutes nothing can be heard. The only command heard by the Mass. 15th , was “Up boys, they are coming!” The Union infantry came up somewhat tumultuously, but courageously, and formed around the head of Longstreet’s column, four ranks deep. After a short period of desperate fighting, at times hand to hand, all is over. The charge of Pickett’s men upon the center of the Union army and its repulse by the 2nd Corps, which contained many Massachusetts regiments, is considered to be the finest single incident of the battle, and perhaps the war. With the failure of Pickett’s charge the battle of Gettysburg is decided.
The 2nd Corps had greater losses of killed and wounded at Gettysburg than any other Corps in the Army, the 2nd Division more than any other division, Harrow’s Brigade more than any other brigade. The loss of the15th in killed, wounded, and missing was 61.9%. This loss percent was exceeded only by four other regiments at Gettysburg.
The 15th at Antietam
In Honor of those who fought, West Brookfield Soldiers from the 15th who lost their lives at the Battle of Antietam
- William L. Adams
- Justus C. Wellington
- William E. Vanever
- Albert W. Livermore., wounded at Antietam, MD (died of wounds: 1/11/1863 in West Brookfield, MA)
The Battle of Antietam
General Robert E. Lee’s first invasion of the North culminated with the Battle of Antietam in Maryland, or Sharpsburg as the South called it. The Battle took place on Wednesday, September 17, 1862, just 18 days after the Confederate victory at Second Manassas, in Virginia. Not only was this the first major Civil War engagement on Northern soil, it was also the bloodiest single-day battle in American history.
On September 17, 1862, over 25,000 men became casualties in the battle of Antietam. Confederate and Federal infantry and artillery faced each other at close quarters in the fields and woods around the town of Sharpsburg and particularly along the banks of Antietam Creek. The action at the Cornfield, Dunker Church, Burnside’s Bridge, and the Bloody Lane have been covered in vivid detail.
The losses of the 15th at the battle of Antietam, that great harvest of death, were larger than any other regiment engaged. Fox, in his volume of Regimental Losses in the Civil War, gives the number of killed and mortally wounded as 98 for the regiment alone and 108 for the regiment and the Andrew Sharpshooters who were attached to the 15th. Only three infantry regiments lost more in killed and mortally wounded during the “whole” war. The morning of the 17th opened cloudy and cool.
The men of the 15th together with the other soldiers of the 2nd Corps forded Antietam Creek and with anxious hearts, catching glimpses through the woods and smoke of the fierce battle taking place, waited for final orders to march. After marching a quarter of a mile up a gentle slope the division formed into battle lines by brigades. General Gorman’s Brigade was in advance, Dana’s second, and Howard’s third. The 15th was the third regiment in the Brigade line, including the Andrew Sharpshooters. They had 24 officers and 582 men ready for action when the order to march was given. The three brigades were all facing west in extended lines with no protection for the exposed flanks.
As Gorman’s Brigade emerged from the West Woods it received a destructive volley from the enemy. Six hundred yards away to the right and front, were the rebel batteries pouring in a terrific fire of grape and canister. During the next 15 or 20 minutes the 15th, with its companion regiments, stood firmly in line holding their position though men were falling thick and fast. The 40 or more rounds of ammunition that were poured into the rebel lines at this time caused much damage and destruction. One of the Confederate batteries was twice silenced by the 15th Regiment and the Andrew Sharpshooters. As re-enforcements begin to pour in to aid the exhausted enemy, they form on the battlefield to the left flank and rear of General Sedgwick’s Division. General Sedgwick realizes that his division can not successfully meet this danger and orders, “God! We must get out of this.”
He orders General Howard more by signs than words, for words can no longer be heard, to bring his 3rd line into position to meet the approaching force. But it is too late. There is a depression to the left of the 15th. Here the rebels are in a ravine and with a most murderous fire rake the line. From the rear too, the thick incoming bullets seek their victims. From the right and front, infantry and artillery pour in their leaden rain with redoubled fierceness. The bearer of the state colors is wounded. The color sergeant seizes them and bears both the flags in the forefront of the battle. Soon he is wounded. Other hands pick up and bear the colors no less defiantly aloft. In less than 20 minutes more than half of the regiment has been killed or wounded, yet the men obey with reluctance the command to withdraw. When the brigade has retired 100 yards, it faces about and by a volley checks the advancing foe. During the latter part of the day the 15th was stationed in support of a battery on a hill near he Puffenberger house on the Hagerstown Pike. The bodies of a considerable number of the members of the 15th are still resting in the now beautiful cemetery at Antietam.
Antietam National Cemetery, Sharpsburg, MD
The remains of 4,776 Union soldiers, including 1,836 unknowns are buried in this hilltop cemetery. The text on this monument reads “Not for themselves, but for their country”.
A Letter From The Civil War
The letter, below his biography, was written on November 29, 1861, at Poolesville, Maryland.
Emerson H. Bullard
Emerson H. Bullard (or Henry E.) was born on July 5, 1844 in Holden, Massachusetts and was the son of Henry Bullard and Caroline Gilbert.He lived in West Brookfield and enlisted as a farmer on July 12, 1861.He mustered into the 15th Massachusetts Infantry, Company F on July 12, 1861, as a private.He was 17 years old.
On the census of 1850, Emerson Henry was enumerated in the household of Henry Bullard, a laborer, on September 24th at West Brookfield. On the 1860 US Federal census, he is listed as Henry E. on July 27, 1860 in West Brookfield. His father Henry is listed as a farmer.
SERVICE.– He enlisted at Worcester and was at Camp Kalorama until August 25, 1861. Then: A March to Poolesville, Md., August 25-27. Picket and outpost duty on the Upper Potomac from Conrad’s Ferry to Harrison’s Island until October 20. Operations on the Potomac October 21-24. Battle of Ball’s Bluff October 21. At Harper’s Ferry and Bolivar Heights until March 7, 1862. At Charlestown until March 10. At Berryville until March 13. Movement toward Winchester and return to Bolivar Heights March 13-15. Moved to Fortress Monroe March 22-April 1. Siege of Yorktown April 5-May 4. Battle of Fair Oaks, Seven Pines, May 31-June 1. This is the service that Emerson H. Bullard would have seen with the 15th Regiment. On October 21, 1861, the regiment took part in the Battle of Balls Bluff, VA with great loss; 32 killed, 78 wounded, 112 taken prisoners and 100 missing. On April 28, 1862 at Yorktown, Virginia, the regiment had only two wounded, but at Fair Oaks, VA the regiment had 5 killed, and 16 wounded.
Between Nov 29, 1861 and June 2, 1862, something happened to Emerson H. Bullard, for on June 2, 1862, his military service with the 15th Massachusetts ended, due to disability. Thirteen days later on June 15, 1862, at age 19, he died of consumption and is buried in Pine Grove Cemetery in West Brookfield, MA. SecN2 Lot 103
On 30 Aug 1867, Caroline Gilbert Bullard received a pension to surviving family member based on Emerson’s service for Massachusetts; mother, receiving certificate number 137488.
Typed letter: Spelling same as in original letter. Poolesville Nov the 29 18 Friend Edwin I take this an opertunity to write you that I am well and hope these lines will find you the same we are on picket gard down clost whare we had our fight we have a good time now you may believe that we yoused our guns prety carlice over at Balls Bluff we are about 10 miles from the camp on the bank of the Potomack we have huts built now so that they are warmer than our tents we have about a weak longer to stay our boys have wrote home from Richmond that they are in an old tobbacko house they say that they are comfortable all but clothes the rebels acrost the river have on some of our coats that belong to the 15 regt which we had oter take of and we will if we go over there again we will go beter perpared for them you may believe that the bulets flew prety thick at lest I thort that they did ther was a horse that was tied to a tree that was shot and came prety nere faling on to me we wer in the woods and the twigs were cut of clost to my head and I did not now how soon that they would cut my head of. but I got out of it with an hole head and are ready to go again this is all I think of now so good day but write soon as you resieve my Letter Emerson H Bullard The 15th Massachusetts Infantry was organized at Camp Scott in Worcester and Company F was composed of men from the Brookfields.
Letter courtesy of William Jankins. Thank you, Bill.
West Brookfield’s Soldiers whose names are on the Civil War Monument at the Common
* – name in profile denotes killed or died in the War
- Abbott
- Armitage
- Bailey
- Bush
- Carey
- Cutler
- Daggett
- Dupee
- Eaton
- Forbes
- Gilbert
- Gleason
- Hastings
- Howe
- Jackson
- Lawrence
- Leonard
- Lynde
- Mallett
- Myles
- Nickels
- O’Day
- Potter
- Prouty
- Reed
- Ross
- Sampson
- Sprague
- Temple
- Varnum
- Ward
- Woodis
Civil War Soldiers BURIED in West Brookfield
Cunningham, Michael
Residence: Not listed
Occupation: Not listed
Enlist Date: 4/24/1861
Enlist Rank: Private
Enlist Age: 18
Mustered In: 5/14/1861
Regiment: NY 3rd Infantry H Co.
Mustered Out (or) Disch: 2/8/1862
Enlisted at: Oswego, NY
Married: Eliza O’Neil
Buried in Sacred Heart Cemetery, West Brookfield, MA
DeLand, Carlton M.
Residence: North Brookfield, MA
Occupation: Printer
Born (10/27/1838): Speedsville, NY
Parents: Dr. James R. DeLand and Samantha Hooker Keith
Enlist Date: 7/12/1861
Enlist Rank: Private
Enlist Age: 22
Mustered In: 7/12/1861
Regiment: 15th Infantry F Co.
Transferred Out: 7/12/1864
*Re-enlisted: 3/31/1864 as 1st Sergeant 20th Infantry E. Co. MO
*Promoted: Corporal 4/9/1863
*Promoted (5/15/1863): 1st Sergeant
*Promoted (5/11/1864): 1st Lieutenant
Missing (10/21/1861): Ball’s Bluff, VA
Wounded (7/2/1863): Gettysburg, PA (Sergeant)
Prisoner of War (6/22/1864): Petersburg, VA (1st Sergeant)
Married: Lottie Ross of Ware, MA
Died: Early 1900’s
Buried in Pine Grove Cemetery, West Brookfield, MA
Fagan, Michael
Residence: Dalton, MA
Occupation: Currier
Born: Dalton, MA
Enlist Date: 5/25/1861
Enlist Rank: Private
Enlist Age: 21
Mustered In: 5/25/1861
Regiment: 2nd Infantry B Co.
Mustered Out (Or): Disch – Wounds on 10/9/1862
*Wounded (5/24/1862): Winchester, VA
Filed for Pension: May/1867, his widow, Winniford, filed for pension in 1915.
Buried in Sacred Heart Cemetery, West Brookfield, MA
Flagg, Levi
Residence: Webster, MA
Occupation: Operative
Enlist Date: 12/18/1863
Enlist Rank: Private
Enlist Age: 28
Mustered In: 1/6/1864
Regiment: 4th Cavalry C Co.
Mustered Out (Or): MO 11/14/1865 @ Richmond, VA
He married, had 5 sons: Joseph, Levi, Edward, Henry, and Arthur
Died: 2/11/1911
Buried in Sacred Heart Cemetery, West Brookfield, MA
Giffin, Timothy P.
Residence: North Brookfield, MA
Occupation: Painter
Born: 1836, Hardwick, VT
Parents: Anson Giffin & Anna Paige
Enlist Date: Jul/1862
Enlist Rank: Musician
Enlist Age: 25
Mustered In: Jul/1862
Regiment: 34th Infantry
Mustered Out (Or): Discharged 6/16/1865 Enlisted for 3 yrs, was single; Non Commissioned Staff
Before the War: Lived with brother Anson, before enlisting in 34th, served on U.S. Man-of-War, “Colorado”
Died: 6/12/1875, West Brookfield, MA
Hartigan, Michael
Residence: West Boylston
Occupation: Bootmaker
Enlist Date: 3/21/1864
Enlist Rank: Private
Enlist Age: 21
Mustered In: 3/21/1864
Regiment: 2nd Cavalry G Co.
Mustered Out (Or): Discharged – Disability: 1/14/1865 @ Alexandria, VA
After the War: Lived in West Brookfield and was thrown from a horse and killed.
Buried in Sacred Heart Cemetery, West Brookfield, MA
Irish, Samuel G.
Residence: Southbridge, MA
Occupation: Shoemaker
Born: 7/23/1842, Southbridge, MA
Parents: Isaac Irish & Lucy Dodge
Enlist Date: 8/5/1861
Enlist Rank: Private
Enlist Age: 19
Mustered In: 8/5/1861
Regiment: 21st Infantry H Co.
Mustered Out (Or): MO 8/30/1864
Promoted: Sergeant (age 19)
Wounded (3/14/1862): New Berne, NC
Wounded (7/30/1864):Petersburg, VA
Married: Maria Eaton 8/6/1867 in North Brookfield, MA
>Daughter: Hiram Eaton & Sarah Jane Kendrick
>Born 5/10/1844 in North Brookfield, MA
>Died 10/25/1895 in West Brookfield, MA
*They had two children: Mabel Idelle and Chauncey Franklin
Died: 5/23/1925
Buried in Pine Grove Cemetery, West Brookfield, MA
Lamb, Harrison S.
Residence: New Braintree
Occupation: Shoemaker
Born: 4/12/1849 in North Brookfield
Parents: Samuel Lamb and Mary Jane Holmes
Enlist Date: 7/12/1861
Enlist Rank: Private
Enlist Age: 21
Mustered In: 7/12/1861 Regiment: 15th Infantry F Co.
Mustered Out (or): MO 7/28/1864 @ Worcester, MA
Enlisted from: New Braintree, MA
*Wounded 5/5/1864: Wilderness, VA
Married: Susan Woodis of Oakham, MA
Died: 10/10/1903 in West Brookfield
Buried in Pine Grove Cemetery, West Brookfield, MA
Lombard, Joseph H.
Residence: Southbridge
Occupation: Weaver
Born: Aug/1838, Sturbridge, MA
Parents: F. H. Lombard & Harriet Barrows of Sturbridge
Married: Rindie E. Allen of Sturbridge
Enlist Date: 8/3/1862
Enlist Rank: Private
Enlist Age: 24
Mustered In: 8/3/1862
Regiment: 34th Infantry F Co.
Mustered Out (Or): MO 6/1/1865 Enlisted from Southbridge, MA
Died: 5/25/1913,
Buried in Pine Grove Cemetery, WB
Lucius, Napoleon
Residence: not listed
Occupation: not listed
Born: 10/22/1848 in St. Damase, Quebec, Canada
Parents: Oliver Lucius & Genevieve Dolbeck Brothers: Oliver & Israel both in Civil War
Enlist Date: 8/17/1864
Enlist Rank: Private
Enlist Age: 16
Mustered In: 8/17/1864
Regiment: VT. 3rd Lt. Artillery
Mustered Out (Or): MO 6/15/1865
Enlisted from: Vernon, VT (Sub for Gilbert F. Gould of Vernon, VT)
Married: Alliment Barrish
2nd Marriage (3/16/1881): Rosa Vincent, West Brookfield, MA
>They had 3 children: Paul Edmond, Leon H., & Rosa Julia
Died: 8/14/1929
Buried in Pine Grove Cemetery, West Brookfield, MA
May, Eleazor
Residence: Warren, MA
Occupation: Bootmaker
Born: March 1829, Palmer, MA or Three Rivers, Palmer, MA
Parents: Erasmus May & Betsy Stricklin 1st marriage Ruth Blancher of Vermont 2nd marriage Marion Mundell of Warren, MA
Enlist Date: 7/23/1862
Enlist Rank: Private
Enlist Age: 34
Mustered In: 8/2/1862
Regiment: 34th Infantry I Co.
Mustered Out (Or): MO 5/13/1865
Enlisted from: Warren, MA
*Wounded (6/5/1864): Piedmont, VA
*Wounded (7/24/1864): Winchester, VA
Died: 1/17/1906
Buried in Pine Grove Cemetery, West Brookfield, MA
Webber, Charles P.
Residence: Brookfield, MA
Occupation: Shoemaker
Born: 1842, Brookfield, MA
Parents: Joseph Webber & Charlotte
Enlist Date: 1/16/1862
Enlist Rank: Private
Enlist Age: 21
Mustered In: 1/20/1862
Regiment: 15th Infantry F Co.
Mustered Out (Or): Discharged – Disability 11/15/1862 @ Alexandria, VA
*Re-enlist Date: 12/4/1863
>Mustered in: 12/11/1863 into 2nd Hvy Artillery I Co. MO 9/3/1865 @ Wilmington, NC
Died: Aug/1906
Buried in Pine Grove Cemetery, West Brookfield, MA
Wilbur, Edwin
Residence: Oakham, MA
Occupation: Farmer
Born: 11/2/1840 in Oakham, MA.
Enlist Date: 9/16/1861
Enlist Rank: Private
Enlist Age: 20
Mustered In: 9/16/1861
Regiment: 25th Infantry H Co.
*Re-enlist Date: 1/18/1864
*Mustered Out: 6/17/1865
*Wounded (5/6/1864): Port Walthall Junction, VA
*Transfered (10/15/1864): Co H to Co C
Member: of the GAR Post #160 Alanson Hamilton, West Brookfield, MA
>Held: GAR offices: Post Commander #160
Buried in Pine Grove Cemetery, West Brookfield, Section 3 – Lot 63
Uncredited Soldiers of West Brookfield
West Brookfield’s Soldiers whose names were not on the Civil War monument at the Common, but are credited here.
W. B. Beach, Melancthon B.
Residence: West Brookfield, MA
Occupation: Weaver
Enlist Date: 6/14/1861
Enlist Rank: Sergt Enlist
Enlist Age: 25
Mustered In: 6/21/1861
Regiment: 10th Infantry A Co.
Mustered Out (or): MO 7/1/1864
*Promotion (6/14/1861): Sergeant
*Wounded (7/1/1862): MalvernHill, VA
*Wounded (5/5/1864): Wilderness, VA
Boyd, John Flint
Residence: West Brookfield, MA
Occupation: Farmer
Born: 9/10/1846 in Oakham, MA
Enlist Date:7/7/1864
Enlist Rank: Private
Enlist Age: 19
Mustered In: 7/22/1864
Regiment: 42nd Infantry E Co.
Mustered Out (Or): MO 11/11/1864 MI 3/10/1865 62nd Infantry A Co. MO 5/5/1865 @ Camp Meigs, Readville, MA
*Promotion (4/17/1865): Corporal 4/17/1865 (as of A Co. 62nd MA (Infantry)
After the War: Sheriff of Douglas County, NE
Died: 1/26/1892 in Omaha, NE
Drake, Edward L.
Residence: West Brookfield, MA
Occupation: Machinist
Born: 1846
Enlist Date: 6/14/1862
Enlist Rank: Musician
Enlist Age: 17
Mustered In: 6/22/1862
Regiment: 34th Infantry I Co.
Mustered Out (Or): Discharged- 5/29/1865
*Wounded (6/18/1864): Lynchburg, VA POW 6/18/1864Lynchburg, VA
*Exchanged (12/16/1864): location unknown
Buried in Evergreen Cemetery, East Brookfield, MA
Fellam, Martin
Residence: West Brookfield, MA
Occupation: Laborer
Born: Ireland
Enlist Date: 2/26/1864
Enlist Rank: Private
Enlist Age: 26
Mustered In: 2/26/1864
Regiment: 3rd Cavalry H Co.
Mustered Out (Or): MO 9/12/1865 at Fort Leavenworth, KS
*Wounded (9/19/1864): Winchester, VA
*Promotion: Corporal
Galvin, Edward I.
Residence: West Brookfield, MA
Occupation: Minister
Enlist Date: 7/12/1864
Enlist Rank: 2nd Lt.
Enlist Age: 26
Mustered In: 7/15/1864
Regiment: 42nd Infantry F Co.
Mustered Out (Or): MO 11/11/1864
*Commissioned into: F Co., 42nd Inf.
Minister at Unitarian Church, Brookfield, MA
Hill, William F.
Residence: West Brookfield, MA
Occupation: Laborer
Born: 1833, Randolph, MA
Parents: Moses Hill & Clarissa
Enlist Date: 8/6/1862
Enlist Rank: Private
Enlist Age: 21
Mustered In: 8/6/1862
Regiment: 20th Infantry K Co.
Mustered Out (Or): Deserted
Died: 8/28/1863, Morrisville, VA
McFarland, George
Residence: West Brookfield, MA
Occupation: Shoemaker
Enlist Date: 8/20/1864
Enlist Rank: Private
Enlist Age: 19
Mustered In: 8/20/1864
Regiment: 3rd Heavy Artilllery M Co.
Mustered Out (Or): MO 6/17/1865
*Promotion: Corporal
McGuirk, Cornelius
Residence: Boston, MA
Occupation: Blacksmith
Enlist Date: 7/12/1861
Enlist Rank: Private
Enlist Age: 19
Mustered In: 7/12/1861
Regiment: 16th Infantry I Co.
Mustered Out (or): MO 7/27/1864 from West Brookfield, MA, mustered into the 61st Infantry A Co. on 8/23/1864
Miller, Edmund
Residence: Enfield, MA
Occupation: Harnessmaker
Born: 1827 in Germany
Enlist Date: 5/31/1861
Enlist Rank: Priv
Enlist Age: 33
Mustered In: 6/21/1861
Regiment: 10th Infantry E.Co.
Mustered Out (Or): Discharged – Disability 9/26/1862
*Wounded in 1862
Married: Mary
Died: (of disease) 7/5/1864 at Falls Church, VA
Mundell, George
Residence: West Brookfield, MA
Born: 1806 in Putney, VT
Enlist Date: 8/6/1862
Enlist Rank: Private
Enlist Age: unknown
Mustered In: 9/1/1862
Regiment: VT 1st Heavy Artillery G Co
Mustered Out (Or): Transferred- 10/1/1863 to the Veteran Reserve Corps
>Discharged: 2/15/1864
Married: Eliza Hunting
Died: 3/3/1896
Buried in Pine Grove Cemetery, West Brookfield, MA
Prouty, Isaac R.
Residence: West Brookfield, MA
Occupation: Shoemaker
Born: 6/6/1820 Shutesbury, MA
Enlist Date: 9/9/1861
Enlist Rank: Private
Enlist Age: 41
Mustered In: 9/14/1861
Regiment: 1st Cavalry F Co.
Mustered Out (Or): MO 11/7/1864
Married: Eliza Erwin of Pelham, ceremony in Shutesbury, MA (1/2/1841)
Died: 10/4/1893 Boston, MA
Reese, Thomas
Residence: West Brookfield, MA
Occupation: Printer
Enlist Date: 5/25/1861
Enlist Rank: Private
Enlist Age: 23
Mustered In: 5/25/1861
Regiment: 2nd Infantry H Co.
Mustered Out (Or): MO 5/23/1864
Riggs, Charles
Residence: West Brookfield, MA
Occupation: Printer
Enlist Date: 5/25/1861
Enlist Rank: Private Enlist
Enlist Age: 23
Mustered In: 5/25/1861
Regiment: 2nd Infantry H Co.
Mustered Out (Or): MO 5/23/1864
*Re-enlisted: 1/1/1864
Shaw, George W.
Residence: West Brookfield, MA
Occupation: unknown
Parents: George and Susan Shaw
Enlist Date: 8/21/1861
Enlist Rank: Private
Enlist Age: unknown
Mustered In: 8/21/1861
Regiment: PA 83rd Infantry A Co.
Mustered Out (Or): Discharged – Disability 1/28/1863
Sullivan, Michael
Residence: West Brookfield
Occupation: Bootmaker
Enlist Date: 11/26/1864
Enlist Rank: Private
Enlist Age: 20
Mustered In: 11/26/1864
Regiment: 27th Infantry B Co.
Mustered Out (Or): Prisoner of War 3/8/1865 Southwest Creek, NC, Deserted- 5/2/1865
*Exchanged: 3/27/1865
*Furloughed: 4/2/1865 Parole, Annapolis, MD
*Failed to returned after 30 days.
Killed in Action
- Adams, George E., 34th Infantry, killed 5/15/1864 at New Market , VA
- Alexander, Leonard F., 21st Infantry, killed 6/29/1864 at Petersburg, VA
- Barlow, Edwin W., 34th Infantry, killed 7/18/1864 at Snicker’s Gap, VA
- Chickering, Lorenzo, 34th Infantry, killed 9/19/1864 at Winchester, VA
- Gilbert, Harvey, 34th Infantry, killed 6/5/1864 at Piedmont, VA
- Howe, George, 25th Infantry, killed 5/6/1865 at Port Walthall Junction, VA
- Lawler, Daniel, 4th Cavalry, killed 10/24/1864 at Big Gum Creek, FL
- Prouty, Edward W., 15th Infantry, killed 7/2/1863 at Gettysburg, PA
- Sibley, Ira Tyler, 4th Cavalry, killed 8/2/1864 at Palatka, FL
- Wellington, Justus C., 15th Infantry, killed 9/17/1862 at Antietam, MD, died Prisoner of War
- Boyle, Daniel, 34th Infantry, died Prisoner of War 12/11/1864 at Danville, VA
- Gleason, Charles A., 15th Infantry, died Prisoner of War (wounds) 11/8/1864 at Andersonville, GA
- Adams, William L., 15th Infantry, died 11/7/1862 at Smoketown, MD, wounded at Antietam, MD
- Brown, Edwin, 21st Infantry, died 7/27/1864 at Petersburg, VA, wounded at Petersburg, VA
34th Infantry
- Gilbert, George H., died 5/14/1865 at Fort Monroe, VA, wounded at Winchester, VA
15th Infantry
- Livermore, Albert W., died 1/18/1863 at West Brookfield, wounded at Antietam, MD
57th Infantry
- Mallett, Masial, died 5/20/1864 at Washington, DC, wounded at the Wilderness, VA
- Mullett, William A., 15th Infantry, died 5/23/1864 at Washington, DC, wounded at the Wilderness, VA
- Mundell, John, 12th Infantry, died 5/7/1864 at Wilderness, VA, wounded at the Wilderness, VA
- Richards, Jefferson H., 1st Cavalry, Died 7/29/1864, wounded at St. Mary’s Church
- Sampson, Isaac M., 20th Infantry, died 1/1/1863, wounded (location unknown)
- Vanever, William E., 15th Infantry, died (of disease) 11/5/1862 at Philadelphia, PA, wounded at Antietam, MD
- Allen, Waldo S., 51st Infantry, died (of disease) 7/12/1863 at Boston, MA
- Boria, Lewis, 57th Infantry, died (of disease) 7/20/1865 at Washington, DC
- Cutler, Charles E., 34th Infantry, died (of disease) 7/30/1864 at Baltimore, MD
- Cutler, William T., 42nd Infantry, died (of disease) 10/24/1864 at Alexandria, VA
- Gilbert, Herman J., 42nd Infantry, died (of disease) 9/23/1864 at Alexandria, VA
- Leonard, William H., 2nd Heavy Artillery, died (of disease) 11/5/1864 at Newbern, NC
- Miller, Edmund, 2nd Cavalry, died (of disease) 7/5/1864 at Falls Church, VA
- Renon, Moses, 3rd Heavy Artillery, died (of disease( 2/23/1865 at Fort Saratoga, Washington, DC
- Truesdell, Harvey E., 34th Infantry, died (of disease) 3/7/1864 at Harper’s Ferry, WV
- Washburn, Alfred D., 34th Infantry, died (of disease) 7/24/1864 at Washington, DC
Died Disability
Bullard, Emerson H. 15th Infantry, died (Disability) 6/15/1682 at West Brookfield, MA
Battles of the 34th Massachusetts Infantry
At Cedar Creek, on October 19, 1864, the 34th Infantry Regiment lost 9 wounded (2 mortally) and 32 missing. West Brookfield’s men in the 34th
Battle of New Market On May 14 and 15, 1864, the 34th had its first great fight at New Market, VA. Though they fought like tigers, they were overcome by the overwhelming odds of the enemy. They went in with about 500 men, and in the fight of 30 minutes, lost 221 men of whom 39 were killed or mortally wounded, 2 officers and 16 men were taken prisoners, 164 wounded, nearly one-half of the whole number. In the Adjutant General’s report of the fight, it is said that the Regiment could only be stopped when commanded to retreat, by Colonel Wells laying hold of the color bearer and holding him by force. During and after the hostilities that day, members of the 34th were taken into a New Market home and were provided aid and comfort.
June 5, they were engaged in the Battle of Piedmont, where they charged the enemy, who were behind rail breastworks and drove them out, capturing more than 1,000 prisoners. The loss to the regiment was heavy, 110, of whom 22 were killed or mortally wounded. June 17, the Regiment reached the outskirts of Lynchburg and on the following day they lost 5 killed and 40 wounded.
July 18, the 34th was engaged at Snicker’s Gap with a loss of 4 killed and 11 wounded. The succeeding 7 weeks were spent in marching and countermarching from Williamsport to Frederick, MD., and as far up the Shenandoah as Middletown near Cedar Creek.
At Winchester (Opequan), Sept 19 it lost 7 killed and 97 wounded, several mortally. At Fisher’s Hill, Sept 22, it was engaged with slight loss. At Stickley’s Farm near Cedar Creek on Oct 13, it lost its Colonel, Wells, now commanding the brigade, and 9 men killed, 48 wounded, and 40 missing. At Cedar Creek, Oct 19, it lost 9 wounded (2 mortally) and 32 missing.
After a winter spent in front of Petersburg, the regiment was engaged at Hatcher’s Run, March 31, at Fort Gregg near Petersburg, with heavy loss, April 2, then joined in the pursuit and capture of the Army of Northern Virginia. After a short stay in Lynchburg it returned to Richmond, where on June 15, 1865, it was mustered out and sent home.